Knowing where you spend your money could surprise you if you track it. Just spending a mere $10 a day on lunch in a 5 day work week turns out to be $200 a month spent on lunch. Bringing lunch to work most of the time can cut that expense down significantly and allow more money for other things you need to accomplish. If you don't have a budget it's time to create one. Here are a few budgeting tips from Dave Ramsey.
Saving money is no easy task. With all the bills and expenses, so many are living check to check. Getting ahead means planning for both the unexpected and the expected.
Check out these 54 tips for saving money from America Saves.
Your credit score is a 3 digit number that let lenders know whether or not it is risky or safe to loan you money. Keeping track of your score is important for your financial health. Check out these tips for improving your credit score.
Planning on retiring at some point in your life? Are you prepared to live a comfortable life? Here are some tips on how to prepare for retirement.
Investing in your future is costly but critical to living a comfortable life after retirement. Here are some tips on 401K's and IRA's
There are all sorts of resources to help make your home buying experience enjoyable. Here are some resources for buying a new home.
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